The customer success blog with ideas and inspiration on retaining your customers!

Here are our blogs about customer success management.  

Ripples of Customer Success Across Your Organization, Handoffs Between Sales and Customer Success, and Boosting Customer Success Team Morale

Ripples of Customer Success Across Your Organization, Handoffs Between Sales and Customer Success, and Boosting Customer Success Team Morale

Celebrating Customer Successes, Speaking your Customer’s Language, and Getting Ahead of Fires

Celebrating Customer Successes, Speaking your Customer’s Language, and Getting Ahead of Fires

Setting Expectations with Customers, Becoming a Customer Success Leader, and The Difference Between Customer Success and Account Management

Setting Expectations with Customers, Becoming a Customer Success Leader, and The Difference Between Customer Success and Account Management

Why Customers aren’t using your SaaS Solution, 10 Biggest Mistakes in Customer Success, and Levering Customer Success Automation

Why Customers aren’t using your SaaS Solution, 10 Biggest Mistakes in Customer Success, and Levering Customer Success Automation

Methods for measuring customer loyalty, why CS isn’t just a feel-good name for account management, can successful customers crisis-proof your company

Methods for measuring customer loyalty, why CS isn’t just a feel-good name for account management, can successful customers crisis-proof your company

Busting Customer Success myths, should you prioritize churn or growth, why CS pros make the best leaders

Busting Customer Success myths, should you prioritize churn or growth, why CS pros make the best leaders

Tips for aligning CS and Sales, whether CSMs should be product experts, the important math of CS

Tips for aligning CS and Sales, whether CSMs should be product experts, the important math of CS

Traditional v. Performance CS, infatuating your customers, advice on ideal SaaS pricing

Traditional v. Performance CS, infatuating your customers, advice on ideal SaaS pricing

Minding the relationship gap, learning from masters of CS, checking in on B2B trends, achieving the owners mindset

Minding the relationship gap, learning from masters of CS, checking in on B2B trends, achieving the owners mindset